What is an emergency?

Go directly to the nearest Emergency Room for serious or life-threatening problems such as:

  • Severe burns, deep cuts, animal bites, or bleeding that won’t stop

  • Sudden or severe difficulty breathing, abdominal pain or vomiting blood

  • Sudden weakness, numbness or loss of coordination or balance

  • New, sudden, severe headaches, blurred vision or seizures

  • Significant head injuries/concussions or broken bones

  • Any other condition you believe is life-threatening

If someone is unconscious, unable to breathe, or the problem appears life-threatening, don’t drive! Dial 911 for an ambulance instead.


First Aid & Emergencies

CPR & Choking

Downloadable poster with CPR and choking rescue instructions (prints best legal size)

Poisons, overdoses, chemical exposures

If a child is unconscious, becoming drowsy, having convulsions, or having trouble breathing, call 911 or your local emergency number. Bring the poisonous substance (safely contained) with you to the hospital. 

Swallowed Poisons Any nonfood substance is a potential poison. Examples include cleaning, pest control, automotive or gardening products, too much of their own medicine or any of someone else's medicine. Call the 24-hour Poison Help Line at 800-222-1222 first. The fastest way to get instructions is to call Poison Help before calling your doctor or going to the emergency room; many things can be managed at home but sometimes it is necessary to go to the nearest emergency department even if your child seems fine. Try to have any containers & information available when you call.

Fumes, Gases, or Smoke Get the child into fresh air and call 911, the fire department, or your local emergency number. If the child is not breathing, start CPR and continue until help arrives. 

Skin Exposure If acids, lye, pesticides, chemicals, poisonous plants, or any potentially poisonous substance comes in contact with a child’s skin, eyes, or hair, brush off any residual material while wearing rubber gloves, if possible. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin, eyes, or hair with a large amount of water or mild soap and water. Do not scrub. Call Poison Help for ­further advice. 

Poison Help logo.gif

An expert at the Poison Help Line is available 24 hours a day, every day, by calling the Poison Help Line phone number: 800-222-1222. Program it into your phone now! The number is the same anywhere in the US. 

Do NOT use syrup of ipecac unless the Poison Help Line specifically tells you to. It is almost never useful and can be quite harmful. Having it at home is no longer recommended. 

Do not give the child anything to eat or drink. Try to have the ­substance label or name available when you call. 

OHSU Poison Control Center The OSHU Poison Control Center covers Oregon, Alaska and Guam. and has many helpful resources on their website. 

Medication safety: Up and Away program

First aid

Poster with instructions for common childhood injuries, accidents and emergencies (prints best legal size) from the AAP. 

Allergic Reactions/Anaphalaxis: Swelling, problems breathing, and paleness may be signs of severe allergy. Call 911 or your local emergency number right away. Ask the person if they have emergency medicine like an EpiPen, if possible and help them use it.  

Burns: Apply cool or cold water for 20-30 minutes, do not use ice. 

Convulsions, seizures

Eye injuries: Cover the painful or injured eye with a paper cup or eye shield until you can get medical help.  



Fractures and sprains

Head injuries



Skin wounds

Stings, bits, allergies


emergency & mental health

Youth & Family Crisis Line

Focused on ages under 18. Available 8am - 10pm, 7 days/week- (503) 576-4673

Polk County Mental Health

General access Dallas: (503) 623-9289

General access West Salem: (503) 585-3012

Crisis Services:

Weekdays 8am - 5pm: (503) 623-9289

After hours: (503) 581-5535 or (800) 560-5833

Marion County Mental Health Services

(503) 588-5351

Woodburn: (503) 981-5851

If you have an immediate emergency, contact 911 or the Psychiatric Crisis Center at (503) 585-4949


Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.
— Dwight D. Eisenhower

Symptoms & Diagnoses


Fever and Your Baby  

What parents need to know about fever. Excellent advice from Dr. Tanya Altman

What you should know about infectious diseases & fevers


FARE: Food Allergy Research and Education

Allergy translation cards & app

HealthyKids Symptom Checker

Online sibling of the KidsDoc symptom checker app from the AAP. Also available as an app: KidsDoc symptom checker for iPhone and Android.!


The Ameriican Academy of Pediatrics' website for parents with information on children's health & safety, and a symptom checker. Updated frequently and a good place to start, especially for topics that have been in recent news. Excellent collection of best practice, evidence based information from the AAP dedicated to the welfare of all children. I'm proud to be a member of this amazing organization with one non-partisan, science based agenda. 

Choose Your Poo!


Excellent patient information sheets from one of the most well respected references for physicians. No subscription required to search from this page. 


Credible, searchable, easy to use website covering a comprehensive range of kid's health topics. Tabs lead to "For Parents", "For Kids", and "For Teens" sections with well written, age-appropriate articles on subjects of interest to each group. Good for parents seeking information for themselves and for their kids. 

About Kids' Health

Extensive website from the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada.


Even when freshly washed and relieved of all obvious confections, children tend to be sticky.
— Fran Leibowitz


Medication safety: 

The basics of weight-based medication dosing for children

Kids are ‘helpful’ and curious: Keep all medications up and out of sight, or better yet, listen to the FDA and Lock it Up!

Drug Facts labels explained and how to read Over-the-Counter (OTC) and Prescription drug labels

How to choose OTC medications for children

Why you should avoid multi-symptom OTC medications, especially those containing acetaminophen, for children

Why OTC cough and cold medicines are NOT recommended for children by the American Academy of Pediatrics and by the FDA


Medication tips: 

  • If you aren't sure how much, when or how to give your child medicine, ask your doctor.

  • If the medicine is a liquid, use the measuring tool that comes with the medicine—not a kitchen spoon. If you don’t have a medicine syringe, ask us for one!

  • Keep a daily record of the medicines you give to your child. Share this information with anyone who is helping care for your child. One idea for keeping track of prescription medicine right on the bottle.

  • Make sure to read the pharmacy stickers about refrigeration and whether to take with or without food.

  • Not all medications have to be given at exact time intervals; if you will have to change family schedules, send medicine to school or any other significant adjustment to follow the instructions, ask your doctor for help with the dose schedule.

  • Don't mix liquid medicines into a bottle, drink or food because if the child doesn't finish the entire amount he or she won't get the right amount of medicine. If you need to mix it in something, just use a small enough amount that you can be sure it will all be eaten.

  • It is often better to make a small amount of something taste worse and then follow it immediately with something better tasting than to make the whole amount taste a little less icky.

  • Keep ALL medicines in 'childproof' containers, out of reach and out of sight.


Tips for Giving Acetaminophen to Children (adapted from the FDA website):

  • Never give your child more than one medicine containing acetaminophen at a time. To find out if an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine contains acetaminophen, look for “acetaminophen” on the label under “Active Ingredient.” Ask the pharmacist a prescription pain medicine contains acetaminophen.

  • It is especially important to give the right dose for your child’s weight and age. Using weight and age, look at the “Directions” section of the Drug Facts label to find the amount to give your child. If a dose for your child’s weight or age is not listed or you can’t tell how much to give, ask your pharmacist or doctor.

  • Never give more of an acetaminophen-containing medicine than directed.

  • If your child swallows too much acetaminophen, get medical help right away, even if your child doesn’t feel sick. For immediate help, call the 24-hour Poison Control Center at 800-222-1222 or 911.

  • Know your dose!

Tylenol (Acetaminophen) dosing 

Ibuprofen Dosing: Fever or pain

Can I give my child acetaminophen and ibuprofen at the same time?

If you do, download this sheet to help you do it safely. It’s very easy to lose track!

Using pain medication safely, especially after surgery or injury. This article was written for urological surgery but is an excellent summary of the issues.

Benadryl Dosing: allergic reactions                                                         

Using eye drops or ointment

Using ear drops or ointment

Using an ASthma inhaler and spacer

Using a Discus or dry powder inhaler for asthma


Preventable injuries are the #1 killer of kids in the United States.

Learn CPR


First Aid & Safety

Household Safety Checklists


Safety & Prevention

Childproofing Your Home

SafeKids Worldwide

A nonprofit organization working to help families and communities keep kids safe from injuries & the definitive resource for protecting kids from preventable injuries. Find links to downloadable instructions, checklists and infographics, educational videos, news, recalls, events, and research. 

Sign up for email updates from SafeKids Worldwide

Sprout’s AmazoN Health & Safety products Wish list

A note about the lists:

  • It is impossible for me to keep up with products changes or personally test every product in this list.

  • Whether a product works in your home or for your purpose depends on correct installation on your particular door, drawer or appliance.

  • Always screw baby gates at the top of stairs to the walls or bannisters! Tension fittings are not safe enough for the top of stairs.

  • Baby proofing is a misnomer. It’s really ‘slow the kid down a little so the supervising adult can catch the kid before disaster’ modifications. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR ADULT SUPERVISION. ADULT SUPERVISION IS ALWAYS REQUIRED.

Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC

The government agency charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death associated with the use of the thousands of types of consumer products. Information on rules, recalls, procedures and requirements for businesses. 


CPSC SaferProducts.com Searchable recall and repair notices


Comprehensive recall resources from boats to cosmetics from the USDA, FDA, EPA, Coast Guard, NHTSA and CPSC. 

FDA Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts 

Recall lists divided into food, home, personal and medical/veterinary product categories.

Car Seats

Car Seat Checkup for Parents

Rear-Facing Car Seats for Infants & Toddlers


Salem Fire Department program to provide bike helmets and smoke alarms to families who can't afford them. 

Drowning prevention

Drowning is silent. It is also the second most common cause of death in 1-4 year olds. Especially if you have a pool, hot tub or any body of water near your house you MUST have appropriate fencing and backup methods to prevent drowning.


Everyone should learn to swim. Participation in formal swim lessons can reduce the likelihood of childhood drowning death by 88%, though we should never trust infant or toddler swimming lessons to protect children from drowning. Proper adult supervision is ALWAYS required. Seattle Mama Doc explains, and HealthyKids.org reviews supervision of young children around water

Local swimming lesson resources

Courthouse Swim

YMCA Salem

Kroc Center 

NW Aquatics (Olinger and STSC)  Salem Tennis & Swim (summer only)

Pool Safety

PoolSafely.gov CPSC national pool & spa safety campaign

HealthyChildren.com Pool Rules

KidsHealth Swimming safety

Red Cross Swimming pool and spa safety tips

Beach, Lake & River Safety

Red Cross Beach Safety, Choosing a Life Jacket, Choosing a safe place to swim, 

Sun Safety


All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)

CPSC ATV Safety Information Center

Why you should never allow a child under 18 years old to ride an adult ATV.


Firearm safety

Firearms are now the leading cause of death for U.S. children and teens. In homes with guns, the likelihood of accidental death by shooting is four times higher. There are many ways to protect your kids and prevent anyone other than you from getting access to your firearms.

Firearm safety
Decide ... whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying.
— Amelia Earhart


Why Vaccinate?

Information from Immunize BC in British Columbia, Canada

US Centers for Disease Control & prevention (CDC)

Information for parents from the CDC including addressing common concerns like what’s in vaccines

What to do before your vaccine appointment, including reading vaccine information sheets for all immunizations, birth through adulthood (also linked individually below)

Schedule for special needs

Catch-up schedule and tool

How to hold your child for vaccines (Spanish)

Tips for a less stressful vaccine visit

Vaccines when your child is sick

Oregon Immunization Requirements

School vaccine requirements and ages from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA)


Parent led, local education and advocacy group providing well-researched answers to questions and countering rumors and misinformation. Founded by a Portland mom to help people make science-based vaccine decisions for themselves, their families, and the community. Also on Facebook.

Voices for Vaccines: Parents speaking up for immunization

Voices for Vaccines (VFV) is a parent-driven organization supported by scientists, doctors, and public health officials that provides parents clear, science-based information about vaccines and vaccine-preventable disease, as well as an opportunity to join the national discussion about the importance of on-time vaccination. Also on Facebook. Pro-Child. Pro-Community. Pro-Vaccine.

Vaccinate your family

The Vaccinate Your Family (VYF) Facebook page is a place to share science-based information about vaccinations and discuss vaccine-related issues. A national nonprofit organization founded in 1991 whose mission is to protect people of all ages from vaccine-preventable diseases by raising awareness of the critical need for timely immunizations, increasing the public’s understanding of the benefits of vaccines, increasing confidence in the safety of vaccines, ensuring that all families have access to lifesaving vaccines, and advocating for policies that support timely vaccination.


A vast amount of information on vaccines and vaccine preventable diseases for the public and healthcare professionals. A very well respected nonprofit vaccine resource. 

vaccine information center

One of the nation's best Children's' Hospitals has a wonderful vaccine education center with information for parents, kids, teens and healthcare providers. 

Vaccines and your baby (Spanish)

Vaccines and teens (Spanish)

Vaccines and adults (Spanish)

Vaccine safety and your child (Spanish)

Vaccine Preventable Disease Information

All Vaccine Preventable Diseases (pdf)

Diseases you almost forgot about because of vaccines

Risks of not vaccinating


Vaccine research & safety

Q&A: The Facts About Childhood Vaccines: What You Should Know

The Journey of Your Child's Vaccine from research & development through ongoing monitoring (Infographic)  

Common Concerns (Boost Oregon)

Infant Vaccine Q&A 

Insuring the safety of vaccines

What is the ACIP?

About thimerosal (mercury) and vaccines

Understanding how vaccines work

Vaccine facts trivia

What is the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)?

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines. VAERS is managed by the CDC and the FDA, and its objectives are to detect & monitor unusual or adverse events that may be related to vaccines, monitor and address safety and administration errors, and monitor and provide information for public health emergencies (such as a flu pandemic). Anyone can report an adverse event that happens after a vaccination. 

Vaccine Safety: Examine the Evidence

CDC Vaccine information sheets (VIS): 

Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward.
— Vernon Law, Major League Baseball pitcher

Well Child visit educational handouts

Bright Futures Well Check handouts:

Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.
— Henry Kaiser

Special health and educational needs


A safe online platform for people with serious health conditions to tell their stories, connect with others and raise support for the causes they believe in. The Mighty is working to build a community so that having a disability or disease doesn’t have to be isolating. You'll find information on mental illness, autism, disabilities, cancer, chronic illness and rare diseases for those who have them and their parents. 

Parenting Special Needs Magazine

Free online magazine & resource for parents and caregivers of those with special needs. 

FACT Oregon

Creating Opportunities



Specific diagnoses


ADDitude Magazine


What is asthma? TED-Ed video

Inhaler and discus instruction video from Nemours Kids’ Health


Autism speaks

Autistic Girls Network

Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)

Northwest Down Syndrome Association (NWDSA)

National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS)

National Association for Down Syndrome (NADS)

Global Down Syndrome Foundation

CHARGE Association

Cri du Chat

Fragile X

Fetal Alcohol Association/Effect

Angelman's Syndrome

DiGeorge Syndrome

Thyroid Disease


Type I ('juvenile' insulin dependent)

Type II ('adult' onset)

Turner Syndrome

Addison's Disease

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
— Maria Robinson

Mental Health & Substance Use


Anxiety BC

A non-profit organization based in British Columbia who's mission is to promote awareness of anxiety disorders and support access to evidence based resources and treatment. Fabulous source of information for kids, teens, adults, educators and health professionals. 

The AnxietyBC Mind shift app is designed to help teens and young adults cope with anxiety by learning mindfulness techniques.


Coping Cat Parents Anxiety information and resources for kids, parents and educators. 

International OCD Foundation

The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors is a donor-supported, nonprofit organization devoted to ending the suffering caused by hair pulling disorder, skin picking disorder, and related body-focused repetitive behaviors.


Here to Help Mental health and substance abuse information and resources for individuals, family members and professionals from BC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information.

Oregon Quit Line (Spanish)

Vaping Daily (formerly Quitday.org): Quit smoking and vaping information and resources

How to quit smoking or smokeless tobacco from the American Cancer Society

Early Assessment and Support Alliance- “EASA provides information and support to young people experiencing symptoms of psychosis for the first time.. Psychosis is a lot more common than you think. You are not alone.”